beBOLD Blog - How to be Successful on Amazon & Walmart

6 Walmart Search Ranking Factors + (SEO Tips to Rank Better)

Written by Denny Smolinski | Jul 26, 2023 5:55:55 AM

A high search ranking can make a difference in a business’s success on platforms like Walmart. Here, competition is fierce and consumers have virtually limitless options. If you’re considering selling your products on the site, you must understand how certain factors impact your Walmart ranking to achieve better results.

This article will help explore the critical factors influencing search rankings on the retailing site and tips to implement a strong Walmart SEO strategy, helping your company stand out and drive sales.

6 Walmart Search Ranking Factors to Know

As one of the largest retailers in the world, Walmart’s marketplace offers an opportunity for your company to reach a broad audience and grow your business. However, distinguishing yourself from the competition can be challenging with thousands of products available. 

Here are some crucial ranking factors you need to know to help boost sales and visibility on the platform.

1. Product titles, descriptions, and attributes

These elements provide essential information about your product to Walmart’s algorithm and help it understand the context and relevance of what you’re trying to market to buyers. Optimizing your listings according to what the platform’s system typically prefers can boost your visibility and click-through rates, which may result in higher conversion rates.

2. Product reviews and ratings

When your product boasts good ratings and reviews, it indicates to the search algorithm that it’s a popular and high-quality item, making it more likely to appear at the top of search results. Besides that, favorable metrics can help improve customers’ trust in your product and increase the likelihood of a purchase.

3. Pricing and availability

Most buyers want to get the best price possible when shopping. So, Walmart designed its algorithm to feature reasonably priced products, ensuring shoppers get everything at the right price to avoid losing them to competitors. Moreover, it’s best always to have your items in stock, as Walmart rewards reliable sellers with top listing opportunities.

4. Seller performance metrics

Walmart tracks seller performance metrics such as order defect rates, on-time shipping, and customer service ratings. If you’re a seller with high-performance metrics, your Walmart SEO ranking will benefit from it, putting your products in a position to get recommended for your set keywords.


5. Product images and videos

High-quality photos and videos are integral to a successful Walmart SEO strategy. The retailing platform favors attractive listings that help customers visualize and learn more about the product, which can impact their decision to purchase your product.

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6. Product categorization and taxonomy

Correctly categorizing products can help ensure they appear in relevant search results. Walmart’s taxonomy is hierarchical, making it crucial for you to organize your products accurately based on their attributes and features.


6 Walmart SEO Tips to Rank Better

For most, being able to put their products on Walmart is an opportunity that doesn’t come along often. It’s crucial to capitalize on everything the platform offers to help your business grow and maximize sales. The following tips and tricks help you create an effective Walmart SEO strategy.

1. Optimize product titles and descriptions

Walmart pays close attention to how you label your products and the descriptions you provide. To ensure you distinguish your products from similar offerings and get a higher Walmart rating, you must provide unique product names other sellers haven’t used before and descriptions that are compelling to attract customers but concise enough that it’s easily digestible. 

Moreover, it would help to include relevant keywords in both to increase your searchability on the site.

2. Encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings

An abundance of positive reviews and ratings left on your product page or site help Walmart identify you as a credible seller, thus boosting your ranking. One thing you can do to motivate customers to submit feedback is to incentivize them. 

You can give rewards like digital discount vouchers for reviews and ratings. Moreover, your customers will be more enthusiastic about providing their insights if your commenting system is much easier to navigate.

3. Utilize long-tail keywords

While uncommon, long-tail keywords can help help you boost your Walmart ranking and tap into a niche audience. Since long-tail keywords are more precise and less competitive, they can help you target more specific search queries and reach otherwise inaccessible segments with shorter, more generic keywords.

4. Monitor and maintain competitive pricing

It’s essential to monitor your competitors’ prices and adjust your pricing accordingly. Walmart’s algorithm considers pricing when ranking products, so competitive pricing can help improve your product’s visibility and increase sales.

You may independently monitor how other businesses value their items or request an inventory report to gain more concrete figures to help you accurately price your products.

5. Focus on building a strong brand reputation

A strong brand reputation can help increase customer trust and loyalty, translating into higher sales and better rankings. Utilizing social media, content marketing, and other branding strategies is ideal to build your brand and increase its visibility on Walmart.

6. Keep product categorization accurate and consistent

The platform has its product taxonomy, which is a hierarchical categorization system. Use this reference to categorize your products, as Walmart specifically designed it to work seamlessly with its search algorithms.

Alternatively, you may refer to Walmart’s guidelines for categorizing and labeling products. The retailer has specific rules regarding organizing and labeling your products, so adhering to them will help you avoid lower rankings.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Walmart SEO and Search Ranking Factors

How does Walmart's search algorithm differ from other eCommerce platforms?

Walmart's search algorithm differs from other eCommerce platforms in that it prioritizes product listings with a strong sales history, high conversion rates, and positive customer reviews. Walmart's algorithm also considers the customer's location and the location of the Walmart warehouses where the product is available for shipping. This information helps Walmart provide more relevant search results to customers.

Does Walmart prioritize products with free shipping in search results?

Walmart values free shipping, so offering this option can positively impact search rankings. Sellers should consider incorporating free shipping into their overall strategy for improved visibility. 

In particular, Walmart offers free two-day shipping, and products carrying the Free 2-Day Shipping tag can appear on Walmart’s search results on SERP, below the product listing page in Sponsored Products sections, and in “Related Products” and “Customers also bought” sections.

How does Walmart's Sponsored Search feature impact search rankings?

Walmart’s Sponsored Search feature can impact search rankings by placing sponsored products at the top of search results. Sponsored products are products that sellers pay to promote. Effective strategies for utilizing sponsored ads include:

  • Targeting specific keywords
  • Setting a budget for your campaign
  • Creating high-quality product listings
  • Monitoring your campaign’s performance and making adjustments as needed

Are there specific factors related to Walmart's mobile search algorithm?

Walmart’s mobile search algorithm is similar to its desktop search algorithm. However, mobile search results are often more limited than desktop search results. Therefore, optimizing your product listings for mobile devices is important by using high-quality images, descriptive product titles, and relevant keywords.

How does the Walmart algorithm handle product variations?

Walmart handles product variations by allowing sellers to create multiple listings for the same product with different variations. For example, if you sell T-shirts in different colors and sizes, you can create a separate listing for each color and size combination. To optimize your listings with multiple options, you can:

  • Formulate descriptive product titles.
  • Use high-quality images.
  • Provide detailed product descriptions.
  • Use relevant keywords.
  • Categorize your products properly.

Maximize Your Walmart Search Potential

Walmart is one of the biggest retailing platformers worldwide, and it’s not a surprise that many businesses are vying for a spot to market their products on it. However, with more companies constantly joining the fold, you must learn how to leverage Walmart’s algorithm to gain significant traction and sell your products to a broad audience.

We hope these tips help you gain the highest Walmart ranking possible.

If you’re looking to market and sell your products on the Walmart platform, there’s no better company to partner with than BeBOLD Digital. We area Walmart agency dedicated to providing enhanced brand protection, effective advertising strategies, and driving incremental sales while maintaining profitability. For further inquiries, get in touch today!