As if a decrease in purchase orders weren’t enough, now vendors have also noticed low or missing payments. When investigated, they came to know that the amount was deducted in the name of Provision For Receivables. Read on to know more about these provisions and how you can recover that amount from Amazon.
Provisions/Risk = Receivables – Payables from Amazon perspective.
Pro Tip - Use a Credit Card to Pay for your Advertising instead of Off Invoice.
This is will greatly reduce your provision for receivable
Credit Card cash back can increase your margin by 1% to 3%
Provision For Receivables means a temporary credit memo or access amount that Amazon charges on your account because the anticipated costs due to Amazon may exceed the anticipated payments owed to you.
If, at any point, Amazon feels that the average revenue earned by them will be less than the average payments made to you, they will instantly hold your money in the name of Provision For Receivables.
As a result, you may notice missing or reduced payments from Amazon. This amount is anticipated by Amazon and it’s not the actual cost. The forecasted payable amount determined by Amazon can be based on the following costs:
The main purpose of the provision is to make sure that none of the above-mentioned expenses create a debit balance in your account. The longer your debit balance is, the less are your chances of being paid in a timely manner. In short, Amazon wants to make sure that they are paid beforehand for doing business with you, even before they pay you.
Amazon wants to “protect” themselves before paying you. Why is Amazon doing that? What is all this insecurity about? If you have been following my blogs, you may know that Amazon intends to shutdown Vendor Central in the near future. Provision For Receivables is to make sure Amazon receives all its money so they can secure their position in case you are required to make a switch from Vendor Central to Seller Central.
To stay away from all this hassle, there is a simple solution. Just switch to Seller Central. You will have more control over your inventory, pricing, listing details, you will be paid weekly instead of 60 days and the best part; you won’t have to deal with such provisions.
And you will have access to almost all the tools that are there in Vendor Central. So why not switch now because you will anyway have to at a later date.
They certainly can be. And if they are, Amazon will definitely pay you back. Most of the “payables” determined by Amazon are estimates and not actual payable amount due to Amazon.
They are anticipated/forecasted payables.
The costs are calculated on average or based on your past payments. If the amount seems overstated after the actual cost is calculated, Amazon will immediately refund you back.
This is not a new practice. All the vendors have been receiving deducted payments from Amazon on a regular basis. However, they may find an increase in provisions after tent pole events like Prime Day, Black Friday, or Cyber Monday.
This is because vendors or basically anyone selling on Amazon during that period experiences an increase in returns and marketing costs. As a result, Amazon deducts an “increased” amount from the payment due to you.
Make sure to review your Amazon Vendor Brand Analytics so you get the full picture of what is going on with your Amazon Vendor account
You can get your hands in this data from your Vendor Central account.
Provisions are not “real” deductions, so there will be no invoice copies. Therefore, the provisions will not be available in your vendor central account. Each provision placed will be displayed with the date it was placed and look like this: YYMMDD_PROVISION_FOR_RECEIVABLES. For example, a date of 181201 on your remittance means that the provision was placed on December 1, 2018. It will look like this: “181201_PROVISION_FOR_RECEIVABLES”.
The temporary provision for receivables will reverse when invoices for returns, marketing and rebates are settled, or a decision is made not to return the inventory. When a provision is reversed, it will show as “181201_PROVISION_FOR_RECEIVABLES-R” (notice the -R at the end). This is a tool-driven process and it does not generate any paperwork or invoice, both in the implementation stage or the reversal.
To find the discrepancies in the amount paid by Amazon, you will first have to familiarize yourself with the payment structure and the Financial Dashboard. Basically, if you have better sales flow, fewer returns and low obstructions, chances are thinner that Amazon will charge any provisions on your account. Based on my experience, here are few of the areas to look out for:
Now, as you are aware of all these costs, you can calculate the value of each of them based on the total cost of goods sold (COGS) and estimate the total and original amount owed to Amazon. Then you can compare that amount to the payment made by Amazon to you. The next question would be what to do if there are discrepancies?
If any of the deductions made in your account doesn’t seem right and you find them invalid, you can immediately begin a dispute process in the Dispute Manager section in Vendor Central. However, we would recommend you to wait for a week or two to see whether the amount is reversed by Amazon or not.
Don’t worry; you are not alone. The process isn’t as simple. What you can do is take help from expert consultants from beBOLD Digital.
beBOLD is a full-service Amazon Account Management Agency that specializes in both Vendor and Seller Accounts. We can help you reverse any access provision charged to your account and will also keep a check on the provisions applied by Amazon.
We have already done this process for all our vendor clients and we would happily do it for you. Just contact us to get started!