Amazon PPC Ads: What is Sponsored Display?

Denny Smolinski

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Are you looking to get the most out of your Amazon ads? Learn how to use Sponsored Display Advertising and get tips on setting up a successful Ad Campaign.

Blog  /  Amazon PPC Ads: What is Sponsored Display?

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads are an essential component of the advertising ecosystem for sellers and vendors who want to reach a broader audience and promote their products more effectively.

These ads provide an opportunity for brands to showcase their products on Amazon's high-traffic areas, as well as on a wide variety of partner sites outside the Amazon platform.

With an increased visibility and reach, sponsored display ads have become a reliable and powerful tool to optimize sales and enhance engagement with potential customers.


How Do Amazon Sponsored Display Ads Work?

1. Targeting Options: sponsored display ads offer advanced and unique targeting capabilities that enable advertisers to segment their audience and choose from a wide variety of targeting options, such as interests, specific products, categories, or customer demographics. Sellers have the flexibility to narrow down their targeting based on the relevance of the audience to their specific advertised products.

2. Self-Service Creation: With Amazon sponsored display ads, sellers can create and manage their ad campaigns with ease, without needing any advertising expertise. Amazon provides users with an array of customizable templates that cater to different business needs and align with the brand's image. Advertisers can also upload their creative elements or use Amazon's auto-generated ad creatives.

3. Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Model: sponsored display ads work on a cost-per-click basis, which means that sellers are only charged when a user clicks on their ad. The CPC model encourages advertisers to optimize their campaigns as they only pay for the actual performance of their ads, rather than investing in impressions that may not necessarily lead to conversions.

4. Real-Time Bidding: Amazon sponsored display ads employ a real-time bidding process which allows advertisers to compete for ad placements on Amazon and partner sites in real-time. This means that they get better ad placements and targeting at competitive prices, while maintaining budget control and ensuring optimal return on investment (ROI).

5. Reporting and Analytics: Amazon provides advertisers with comprehensive reporting and analytics tools that enable them to track and monitor the performance of their sponsored display ads campaigns. These insights can help advertisers tweak and optimize their campaigns, and make data-driven decisions for better results.

6. Placement Options: Sponsored Display Ads appear on various high-visibility locations, such as product detail pages, search results pages, related product sections, and even on third-party sites and apps. This extensive reach assists in attracting new customers, increasing brand awareness, and boosting sales.

In conclusion, Amazon Sponsored Display Ads play an increasingly significant role in sellers' advertising strategies. These ads offer an easy-to-use platform with advanced targeting capabilities, creative customization options, and performance-driven pricing models.

Leveraging the power of Amazon PPC Sponsored Display, sellers can effectively increase brand visibility, engage their target audience, and boost their sales on the platform.

What are the differences between Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display?

amazon advertising campaign types

The Amazon advertising ecosystem comprises different types of ad options to cater to the diverse needs and objectives of sellers and vendors. Among these options, Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display stand out due to their distinct advantages and features.

This section highlights the main differences between these three ad formats in terms of their purpose, targeting, creative options, and placement.

1. Purpose:

Sponsored Products: As the name suggests, Sponsored Products or sponsored products ads are primarily focused on promoting individual products within the Amazon platform. These ads aid in increasing product visibility, generating more traffic, and enhancing overall sales for a specific product.

Sponsored Brands: These ads are designed to be sponsored brands ads help sellers increase brand awareness and visibility on Amazon. As opposed to promoting individual products run sponsored display ads, Sponsored Brands allow advertisers to showcase a range of their products in a single ad, creating a more cohesive brand experience.

Sponsored Display: go above and beyond the Amazon platform, allowing sellers to target audiences both within and outside Amazon. These sponsored brand ads are designed to reach a broader audience, improve brand visibility, and drive engagement with potential customers across different sites and apps.

2. Targeting:

Sponsored Products: Targeting options for Sponsored Products include keyword targeting and product targeting. Advertisers can bid on specific keywords or target keywords for competitors' products and related products to capture shopper interest.

Sponsored Brands: Similar to Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands also leverage keyword targeting and product targeting to reach relevant audiences. However, Sponsored Brands offer additional targeting capabilities, such as category targeting.

Sponsored Display: Featuring advanced targeting capabilities, including interests, specific products, categories, or customer demographics which enable advertisers to segment their audience with greater precision and relevance.

3. Creative Options:

Sponsored Products: The ad creative options for Sponsored Products are relatively limited, as the ad creatives are automatically generated based on the product information provided by the seller.

Sponsored Brands: These ads offer a customizable banner featuring a brand logo, a headline, and up to three featured products. Advertisers can use custom images, text, and design elements to create an eye-catching banner that aligns with their sponsored brand name's image.

Sponsored Display: Advertisers have the flexibility to choose from various customizable templates first to create display ads campaign or use Amazon's auto-generated ad creatives to also create ad campaign itself. Moreover, sellers can also upload their creative elements for a more tailored ad appearance.

4. Placement:

Sponsored Products: These ads usually appear on search result pages, product details page, detail pages, and related product sections within the Amazon platform.

Sponsored Brands: These ads are prominently placed on top of search results pages, making them highly visible to shoppers browsing through products.

Sponsored Display: Offering extensive reach where the ads can appear on various high-visibility locations, such as on product detail page, pages, search results pages, related product sections, and even on third-party websites and apps.

Summary that Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display Ads share some common features, they serve distinct objectives and offer different targeting capabilities, creative options, and placements. By understanding these key differences, sellers can choose the most appropriate ad format for their advertising goals, ultimately enhancing brand visibility, audience engagement, and sales performance on Amazon.

Why Should You Use Amazon Sponsored Display Ads?

Advertising with sponsored products and displays will compound your sales. Then your sales can be increased faster by targeting an audience.

Usually, advertisements are aimed at consumers at your store. This remarketing allows customers to customize their shopping experience by controlling bids budgets and promoting the brand.


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What is the difference between Sponsored Display Ads and Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform)

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads and Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) are two distinct advertising solutions offered by Amazon. While both are designed to help sellers and advertisers promote their products and reach target audiences, each has its unique features, capabilities, and use cases.

Here, we discuss the key differences between Sponsored Display and Amazon DSP, highlighting their specific advantages and limitations.

1. Advertising Goals: Display Ads are primarily focused on driving direct sales and conversions, with campaigns designed to attract potential customers and encourage immediate purchases. In contrast, Amazon DSP is typically oriented towards nurturing brand awareness, customer engagement, and long-term customer relationships. While it can also help drive sales, its primary goal is to create lasting impressions and strengthen brand presence.

2. Targeting Capabilities: While Sponsored Display Ads offer a range of targeting options, such as interests, product categories, and customer demographics, Amazon DSP takes audience targeting to a whole new level. It allows for advanced audience segmentation and includes features like lookalike audience creation, remarketing, and cross-device targeting. This granularity in targeting ensures that advertisers can reach the right customers at the right time, with the most relevant messages.

3. Ad Placements: Sponsored Display Ads mainly appear on high-visibility locations within the Amazon platform, such as product detail pages, search results pages, and related product sections. They also can be displayed on some third-party websites and apps within Amazon's advertising network. Amazon DSP, on the other hand, offers broader ad placements, reaching not only Amazon properties but also a vast network of third-party websites, apps, and even video streaming services like Amazon Fire TV and IMDb TV.

4. Ad Formats: Sponsored Display Ads are primarily limited to static display formats, with limited scope for incorporating videos or interactive elements first sponsored display campaign. Amazon DSP, however, provides more diverse ad formats, including rich media, full video ads, and interactive ads, ensuring maximum engagement and impact.

5. Campaign Management: Sponsored Display Ads are designed for self-service, with sellers being able to create, manage, and optimize their campaigns independently. Amazon DSP campaigns can be managed in a self-serve manner through the Amazon Advertising Console, or advertisers can opt for a fully managed service, where Amazon's advertising experts handle campaign management and optimization.

6. Pricing Model: Both sponsored display ads and Amazon DSP work on a cost-per-click (CPC) model, ensuring that advertisers pay only for the actual performance of their ads. However, Amazon DSP also includes programmatic buying capabilities, allowing advertisers to bid on ad placements in real-time, taking advantage of dynamic pricing for maximum value and reach.

7. Eligibility: Sponsored Display Ads are available to all sellers who have enrolled in Amazon's Brand Registry, which requires a registered trademark. On the other hand, Amazon DSP has a more stringent approval process, typically catering to larger advertisers with higher advertising budgets.

In conclusion, while both sponsored display ads and Amazon DSP provide valuable advertising solutions to sellers, they cater to different objectives, capabilities, and advertising formats. Advertisers must carefully consider the unique features of each in line with their strategic goals and objectives.

Whereas sponsored display ads focus on driving immediate sales and conversions, Amazon DSP excels in delivering wider reach, advanced targeting, and diverse ad formats for building brand presence and cultivating long-term customer relationships.

How to Create Amazon Sponsored Display Ads

Creating Amazon sponsored display ads is a step-by-step process that involves identifying your target audience, determining your advertising goals, selecting the right ad placements, and designing compelling ad creatives that showcase your products.

Here's a detailed guide to help you create effective Amazon Display Ads:

1. Determine your advertising objectives: Before you start creating your sponsored display ad, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your advertising objectives. These could include increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to your product pages, generating more sales, or re-engaging potential customers.

2. Identify your target audience: Your target audience plays a significant role in determining the success of your display ads. Amazon allows you to target your ads based on shopper interests, specific product categories, or even customer demographics. Consider your ideal customer segments and create a tailored advertising strategy to address their needs and preferences.

3. Choose the right ad placements: Unlike Sponsored Product or Sponsored Brand ads, Amazon Display Ads can appear in premium placements across the Amazon marketplace, as well as on third-party websites and apps. These placements provide increased visibility and reach for your ads. To select the right ad placements, you need to consider your product type, target audience, and advertising goals.

4. Design compelling ad creatives: The ad creative and aspect of your sponsored display ads is crucial in driving engagement and conversions. Your ad creatives should include high-quality product images, concise and enticing headlines, and a clear call to action. Ensure that your creatives effectively communicate your value proposition and encourage potential customers to click on your create ads.

5. Set your bidding strategy and budgets: operate on a daily budget on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis. You'll need to decide how much you're willing to spend for each click your ad receives. It's essential to strike a balance between maintaining competitive bids and managing your advertising budgets. Monitor your campaign performance regularly and optimize your bidding strategy daily budget accordingly.

6. Track and analyze your campaign performance: To ensure the success of your sponsored display, it's essential to monitor your campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments as needed. Use Amazon's advertising reporting tools to analyze metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate (CVR), and return on ad spend (ROAS). Regularly review and optimize your campaigns to maximize your advertising ROI.

7. Test and iterate: Effective Amazon Sponsored Display advertising is an ongoing process. Continuously test different ad creatives, targeting options, bidding strategies, and budgets to determine what works best for your products and target audience. Analyze your results and refine your approach to achieve your desired advertising objectives continually.

By following these steps, you can successfully create and launch Amazon sponsored display ads that help you achieve your advertising goals. Remember to always stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices to ensure a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of Amazon advertising.

How Do Sponsored Display Campaigns Work?

amazon sponsored display ad off amazon example

Amazon Sponsored Display campaigns are designed to help sellers and vendors reach potential customers both on and off the Amazon marketplace. These campaigns work by targeting custom audiences through an advanced and unique targeting system that leverages interests, specific products, categories, or customer demographics.

Once advertisers have identified their target audience, they can create and manage their ad campaigns with ease using Amazon's self-service creation tools. The platform offers an array of customizable templates that cater to different business needs, allowing sellers to choose a format that best aligns with their brand's image.

Sponsored Display Ads operate on a cost-per-click (CPC) model, meaning that advertisers are only charged when a user clicks on their ad. This pricing model provides increased value and helps optimize campaign performance by ensuring sellers only pay for the actual performance of their ads, rather than spending money on inactive ads.

To ensure maximum visibility, sponsored display ads employ a real-time bidding process, which allows advertisers to compete for ad placements on Amazon and partner sites in real-time. This approach ensures better ad placement and targeting at competitive prices, while still maintaining budget control and ensuring optimal return on investment (ROI).

Amazon display ads provide comprehensive reporting and analytics tools to help advertisers track and monitor the performance of their campaigns. These insights can help them tweak and optimize their ads, make data-driven decisions for better results, and ultimately drive increased engagement and sales.

Overall, Amazon Sponsored Display campaigns are an invaluable tool for sellers and vendors who want to enhance brand visibility, engage with potential customers, and drive increased sales performance both on and off the Amazon marketplace.

By leveraging the intelligent targeting capabilities, customizable templates, and real-time bidding process, advertisers can create effective campaigns that deliver measurable results and a strong return on investment.

Default Bids

Default bids are a critical component of sponsored display campaigns that help advertisers maintain budget control and optimize ad performance. A default bid refers to the maximum amount that a seller is willing to pay for a click on their sponsored ad when no other bid is in place. It is an essential element of sellers' advertising strategies, as it helps them to maximize their impression share with minimal spending.

To set a default bid, sellers can use Amazon's self-service ad creation platform, which prompts them to enter a bid amount. The default bid determines the highest amount that an advertiser is willing to pay for a click, as long as no other bid is in place. Moreover, sellers can also set their default bids to vary based on a specific targeting option, such as product category or keyword.

Sellers should continually monitor their campaigns and adjust their default bid amounts to optimize ad performance and manage their budgets effectively. A high default bid amount can lead to increased visibility and clicks, but it may also result in overspending.

Conversely, a minimum ad spend required a low default bid amount can help to conserve budget but may lead to lower visibility and reduced impressions.

By regularly reviewing minimum ad spend and adjusting their default bids, advertisers can strike a balance between budget control and campaign optimization, ensuring maximum value and ROI for their ad spend.

What are the Amazon Sponsored Display Product Targeting Types?

Amazon Sponsored Display Product Targeting is a powerful advertising feature that allows sellers to reach relevant audiences and promote their products more effectively.

With the diverse product targeting capabilities of product display ads, advertisers can customize their campaigns to better align with their marketing objectives and achieve higher conversions.

Below are the various types of Amazon Sponsored Display Product Targeting:

1. Similar Product Targeting: With this approach, advertisers can target products that are similar to their own products within a specific category. By doing so, they can capture the attention of shoppers who are browsing for items similar to their offerings and entice them to consider their products. This strategy ensures that the ads are shown to an audience already interested in the same product and same category, increasing the chances of a sale.

2. Complementary Product Targeting: This targeting method identifies and targets products that complement or pair well with the advertiser's product. For instance, a seller offering smartphone cases can target smartphone models as complementary products. This approach helps to increase awareness and cross-sell opportunities by showing ads to shoppers who may be interested in or benefit from the seller's product as an accessory or additional purchase.

3. Competitor Product Targeting: With competitor product targeting, advertisers can target the product pages of competitor brands that offer similar or alternative products. By doing so, they can position their products as a valuable alternative for shoppers who are considering their competitors' products. This strategy enables sellers to capitalize on the competitors' audience and drive potential customers to their product pages to boost sales.

4. Category Targeting: This type of product targeting allows advertisers to target entire product categories, ensuring that their ads are shown to shoppers browsing within those specific categories. This broad targeting approach helps to increase brand visibility and awareness and capture the attention of shoppers who may not have discovered the advertised products yet. Category targeting works best for sellers who have a diverse product range featured offer or who cater to a broad audience.

5. ASIN Targeting: Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) targeting enables sellers to target specific products or product groups on Amazon directly. Advertisers can identify the ASINs of relevant products manually or use Amazon's suggestions to create targeted campaigns that focus on particular products. This precision targeting strategy can be especially useful for sellers who wish to promote a specific product or gain a competitive edge over a particular product group.

Through these diverse Amazon Sponsored Display Product Targeting types, sellers can tailor their sponsored brand ad and campaigns to different objectives and audiences, ensuring effective reach and engagement. It is crucial to identify the most suitable sponsored product ad targeting strategy for the specific marketing goals and continuously optimize campaigns to achieve desired results.

By leveraging the right combination of select sponsored display product ad targeting types, advertisers can increase their sales, enhance brand visibility, and engage with a more relevant audience on Amazon.

Where do Sponsored Display Ads Appear?

Sponsored Display ad placement On Amazon example

Sponsored display ads hold immense potential when it comes to increasing visibility, reach, and engagement with the target audience. To leverage this potential, Amazon strategically places these ads in several high-visibility locations, both within and outside the Amazon platform.

Here are some key placements where Display ads appear:

1. Product Detail Pages: One of the most crucial placements for display ads is on product detail pages. These ads appear just below the "Add to Cart" button or under the "Related Products" and "Customers who bought this also bought" sections of product detail page. This prime location increases the chances of a sponsored display audiences capturing shoppers' attention when they are actively considering a purchase and can potentially lead to higher click-through and conversion rates.

2. Search Results Pages: Sponsored display ads can also appear on search result pages, nestled amongst the organic listings or between product rows. As shoppers browse through the search or shopping results pages, the ads promote specific products or brands, encouraging users to click through and explore the offerings.

3. Amazon Homepage: The Amazon homepage is another high-visibility location where sponsored display ads may appear. These ads are positioned in various sections or carousels on the homepage, catering to shoppers who may be exploring the platform without a specific product search in mind. Placing ads on the homepage can help increase brand awareness and drive traffic to product pages.

4. Related Product Sections: Sponsored product Display ads can be displayed within the "Related Products" or "Customers who viewed this also viewed" sections on product pages. By showing your sponsored product ads in these sections, you can target shoppers who are already interested in similar or complementary products, increasing the likelihood of driving relevant traffic and sales.

5. Third-Party Websites and Apps: Apart from placements within the Amazon ecosystem, sponsored ads can also appear on a wide variety of partner sites and apps that are part of Amazon's advertising network. By displaying sponsored display ads on external platforms, sellers can reach potential customers who may not currently be browsing Amazon, expanding their reach and driving new customers to their product pages.

6. Amazon Partner Sites and Devices: sponsored display ads can appear on other Amazon properties, such as IMDb, Kindle, and Amazon Fire TV. By leveraging these placements, sellers can further extend their reach and tap into Amazon's vast audience across different platforms.

By strategically placing sponsored display ads in these varied, high-visibility locations, Amazon enables sellers to effectively increase their brand visibility, engage with their target audience, and ultimately boost sales on the platform.

Advertisers (in house or agency) should continuously monitor and analyze their ad performance to optimize campaigns and ensure their ads are placed in the most effective locations to reach their marketing goals.


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What Are The Benefits Of Sponsored Display Ads?

display advertising on Amazon

Sponsored display ads are a highly effective advertising solution that offers a multitude of benefits for Amazon sellers. These ads aim to increase brand visibility, drive engagement with potential customers, and ultimately boost sales on the platform.

Here, we delve deeper into the key advantages and discuss the added value that ads can bring to a seller's advertising strategy.

1. Expanded Reach and Visibility: Sponsored Display Ads enable merchants to promote their products both within and outside the Amazon platform. This extended reach helps sellers capture new customers, increase brand awareness, and enhance sales performance. By appearing on various high-visibility locations, such as product detail pages, search results pages, related product sections, and even third-party websites and apps, sponsored display ads reach a broader audience and improve the likelihood of driving relevant traffic and conversions.

2. Advanced Targeting Capabilities: A significant advantage of sponsored display ads is their advanced targeting capabilities, which allow sellers to segment their audience based on interests, specific products, categories, or customer demographics. This precise targeting ensures that the ads are shown to the most relevant audience who are more likely to engage with the ad and make a purchase. By effectively targeting potential customers, sellers can optimize their advertising efforts and gain a competitive edge in the market.

3. Customizable Ad Creatives: With sponsored display ads, advertisers can easily create and manage their ad campaigns using an array of customizable templates catering to different business needs. The ability to customize ad design, choose from various templates, or use Amazon's auto-generated ad creatives ensures that the ads effectively capture shoppers' attention and align with the brand's image. This customization can significantly impact ad engagement and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates.

4. Cost-Effective CPC Model: The cost-per-click (CPC) model used by sponsored display ads ensures that sellers only pay for the actual performance of their ads, rather than investing in impressions that may not necessarily lead to conversions. This performance-based pricing model provides advertisers with increased value and helps optimize their campaigns by encouraging the use of data-driven bidding strategies.

5. Real-Time Bidding and Competitive Pricing: Sponsored Display Ads employ a real-time bidding process, which allows advertisers to compete for ad placements on Amazon and partner sites in real-time. This dynamic bidding process enables sellers to get better ad placements and targeting at competitive prices while maintaining budget control and ensuring optimal return on investment (ROI).

6. Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting: Amazon provides sellers with extensive reporting and analytics tools that empower them to track and monitor the performance of their Sponsored Display Ads campaigns. By leveraging these insights, advertisers can make data-driven decisions, optimize their campaigns, and achieve better results.

7. Increased Brand Loyalty and Repeat Purchases: Display Ads not only help attract new customers but also engage existing customers and encourage repeat purchases. By strategically targeting ad group of shoppers who have previously interacted with the brand or shown interest in similar products, the ads can remind customers of the seller's offerings and create a sense of brand loyalty.

Amazon Display Ads offer numerous benefits that make them a valuable addition to any seller's advertising strategy.

From expanded reach and visibility to advanced targeting capabilities, customizable creatives, and performance-driven pricing, Sponsored display ads provide a versatile and powerful tool to help sellers achieve their marketing goals. By leveraging the benefits of Amazon Display Ads, sellers can effectively increase brand visibility, engage their target audience, and boost their sales on the Amazon platform.

How to Monitor the Performance of Your Amazon Display Ad Campaign?


amazon display ads software monitoring

Monitoring the performance of your Amazon Sponsored Display Ad campaign is essential for optimizing your advertising efforts and achieving the desired results. By keeping a close eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyzing the data, you can make informed decisions to refine your campaigns and drive more conversions.

In this section, we'll explore the steps and strategies to effectively track, analyze and optimize your Amazon Display Ad campaign.

1. Set up clear KPIs: Establishing clear KPIs helps you understand what success looks like for your campaign and provides guidance on the metrics you should be tracking. Some common KPIs for Sponsored Display Ad campaigns include impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate (CVR), return on ad spend (ROAS), and sales. Determine which KPIs are most relevant to your campaign based on your specific goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, or boosting sales.

2. Access Amazon Advertising Reports: Amazon provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools within the Amazon Advertising Console. Access these reports to obtain essential data on your ad campaigns, including impressions, clicks, CTR, CVR, and ROAS. You can generate reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on your preferred cadence and the extent of your campaign analysis.

3. Monitor your sponsored display campaign performance regularly: Consistent monitoring of your various sponsored display campaign audiences and brand ad campaigns is crucial for making data-driven decisions and adapting to trends and changes in the market. Regularly review the performance of your Sponsored Display Ad campaigns to identify patterns and insights, and use this information to make informed decisions on targeting, bidding strategies, and ad creatives.

4. Analyze and learn from the data: When reviewing the performance of your Sponsored Display Ad campaigns, look for critical insights and trends that can help you optimize your advertising strategy. For example, you may notice that certain targeting options or bidding strategies generate a higher CTR or CVR. Use these insights to refine your targeting, adjust your bids, or experiment with new creatives to drive better results.

5. Compare your ad performance with industry benchmarks: To put your campaign performance in context, compare your KPIs with industry benchmarks and average performance metrics for Sponsored Display Ads. This comparison can provide valuable insights into areas where you may be outperforming or underperforming compared to competitors and help you identify opportunities for improvement.

6. Conduct A/B testing: A/B testing involves creating multiple variations of your Sponsored Display Ads to determine which version generates better results. Test different headlines, product images, ad copy, or targeting options to identify the most effective combination for your audience. Continuously iterate and improve your creatives to maximize engagement, clicks, and conversions.

7. Adjust your budget and bidding strategy: Based on your campaign performance data, evaluate your budget and bidding strategy. Increase or decrease your budget according to the performance metrics, and fine-tune your campaign manager bidding strategy to generate higher ROAS, better ad placements, and ultimately, a more significant return on investment.

8. Keep up with industry trends and best practices: Sponsored Display Ad campaigns are dynamic, and the competitive landscape can evolve rapidly. Stay up to date on industry trends, platform updates, and best practices to ensure your campaigns remain effective and relevant. Apply the latest learnings to your campaigns and adapt to changes in user behavior, competitor strategies, and market dynamics.

Monitoring the performance of your Amazon Sponsored Display Ad campaign is a critical component of your advertising strategy. By setting clear KPIs, consistently reviewing your campaign data, and leveraging insights to optimize your efforts, you can improve your ad performance and maximize your return on investment.

Implementing these strategies will help you effectively engage your target audience, increase brand visibility, and boost sales on the Amazon platform.

Amazon PPC Display Ads - Frequently Asked Questions

Does PPC include display ads?

Yes, pay-per-click (PPC) does include display ads. Display ads are a form of advertising which involve promoting products or services using visuals such as images, animations, videos, and banners. PPC is a type of digital marketing model in which the advertiser pays each time someone clicks on their ad.

What is a sponsored display on Amazon?

Sponsored Displays on Amazon, also known as Amazon Display Ads, are one of the most powerful and effective tools available for advertisers to promote their products on Amazon. They allow sellers to display their products across different devices and channels with targeted messages that capture customers’ attention.

How do I create a sponsored display ad on Amazon?

Creating a sponsored display ad on Amazon is a great way to increase visibility for your product or service and gain potential customers. Amazon Display Ads are targeted ads that can be placed across the Amazon website, as well as other related sites such as Goodreads and IMDb.

What are the benefits of Sponsored Display Ads on Amazon?

Sponsored display ads on Amazon offer a powerful way to reach customers and increase sales. These ads are often more effective than other types of advertising because they allow you to target specific customers with products and services that are relevant to them. There are several benefits that come from using Amazon Display Ads for your business.


In conclusion, beBOLD Digital is a full-service Amazon agency with a mission to help brands grow and excel in the digital marketplace. Our team of experienced ecommerce professionals bring a deep understanding of the complexities of the Amazon platform and leverage their expertise to drive success in sales.

With a comprehensive suite of capabilities such as account management, catalog management, SEO and A+ Content, PPC and DSP ad management, we can provide you with strategies tailored to your unique goals. Our ultimate focus is on providing successful outcomes for our clients while maintaining profitability as a top priority–as that is where true growth comes from.

Contact us today and start your journey toward success on Amazon and Walmart!

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About Denny Smolinski

He is the CEO and founder of beBOLD Digital - A Full-Service Amazon and Walmart agency that focuses on Sustainable Growth and Profitability for Our Partners (clients).

Denny has been selling on Amazon since 2007 and has had to adapt for every change that Amazon has made along the way.   Amazon and Walmart are an ever changing environment and Denny has his beBOLD team ready to handle any and every challenge.

Is your brand having challenges with growth, profitability, advertising, reporting etc - If yes, please contact us today!

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Do you want more growth?

Hey, we are beBOLD.   We are determined to make your Amazon & Walmart business grow.  Our only question is, will it be yours business?

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