Amazon has a new beta program for Brand Store quality report.
Your Store quality report (beta) is a new way to understand how well your Brand Store's design and set-up performs when compared to your peer group on Amazon.
A high rating means that you've taken actions that Amazon believes increase the duration of time that shoppers spend on your Store (dwell time). We use your Store rating to recommend specific actions that may help improve your Store performance and dwell time.
Beauty Brands Dwell time is ranging from: 50 to 65 seconds
Add at least 3 subpages to your Store to improve shopper engagement with your brand and products.
In conclusion, Amazon's new beta program for Brand Store quality report offers a valuable tool for businesses to analyze and improve their store performance on the platform. By providing a Store rating and recommending specific actions, Amazon helps brands increase the duration of time that shoppers spend on their store, ultimately leading to higher engagement and potential sales.
The suggested actions, such as adding videos, text tiles, and product showcases, are designed to enhance the shopper experience and make it easier for them to discover and engage with a brand's products. If you're a brand looking to optimize your presence on Amazon, this beta program is definitely worth exploring to boost your store's performance and drive more sales.